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Exemplary Town of Asturias 2015

On September 9, 2015, the jury of the Princess of Asturias Foundation awarded the Award for the Exemplary People of Asturias 2015 to Colombres, the capital of Ribadedeva, “whose civil society organized from a plural associative fabric has managed to preserve and enrich the legacy of Asturian emigrants, maintaining their heritage and claiming that past that makes emigration a dynamic element of culture, economy and society ”.


The award is intended to recognize the town, village, population center, landscape space or human group that has stood out in a notable way in the defense and conservation of its natural, environmental environment, its historical, cultural or artistic heritage and also in the carrying out communal works or other outstanding manifestations of solidarity.


On the occasion of the delivery of said award, their majesties the kings visited Colombres on November 24, 2015


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